Turkey Cordon Bleu
Turkey Cordon Bleu is a delicious turkey breast breaded and stuffed with Gruyere cheese and smoked turkey. It is crunchy on the outside, but succulent and smooth on the inside. It is a really easy dish to prepare.

Christmas Turkey
The Christmas meal involves many family traditions. Some families even have their own secret family recipes for the special Christmas meal; other families simply eat the traditional Christmas dishes, like the Turkey or Chester.

Homemade chicken nuggets
The recipe for homemade chicken nuggets is delicious and very easy to prepare, and not to mention the kids will love it and will eat a product totally made at home without the drawbacks of industrialized nuggets.

Oven Sirloin with course-grained salt
The Sirloin is used like a meat for the Brazilian barbecue that is generally prepared in s Steakhouse, but with this simple recipe, you will find out a different way to prepare it – fast, easy and tasty. Try it!

Roast Beef in the microwave.
Roast Beef is a delicious dish made out a bovine cut baked in the oven, then cut thinly and served.

Christmas Tender
The Tender is a tradition during Christmas and one of the favorite meats during this special time. This recipe has helpful tips on how to prepare and decorate this delicious dish.

Swine Sirloin in beer
Is there a better combination than Swine sirloin and beer? This recipe is fast, easy and delicious and has everything that a good Brazilian Barbecue needs, leaving it even tastier with Globo Grill Salt, and perfect for the Brazilian Barbecue.

Garlic Bread for barbecue
Is it possible to have a Brazilian barbecue without garlic bread? It might be, but it won’t be the same. Learn to prepare this delicious side dish that cannot be left out of a good barbecue.

When a Brazilian barbecue or "feijoada" is done, the vinaigrette is indispensible. This is a simple and fast recipe that gives a special taste to these moments.

Octopus Rice
This Portuguese dish valued in Algarve will be an absolute success anytime of the day. Try the original recipe!

This is traditional Spanish dish, prepared with various sea creatures. It is ideally to reunite friends and family. Learn step by step how to prepare this delicious Spanish dish.

Salmão à belle meunière
Um clássico da cozinha internacional. Como nos demais pratos, este molho pode ser servido com salmão, linguado ou congrio.
Um prato leve, bastante aromático. É composto de: camarões, champignon, alcaparras e tempero verde, salteados na manteiga